ISSUE 53 December 12th, 2001





How does the Catholic Church understand the healing ministry? In answer to this, the Pontifical Council for the Laity, with the collaboration of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services, convened the International Colloquium on Prayer for Healing and the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church at Casa del Pellegrino of the Sanctuario Madonna del Divino Amore in Rome. The PCL President, James Francis Cardinal Stafford, presided over the assembly of some 87 invited participants mostly from the worldwide CCR and 12 Vatican representatives. The Colloquium specifically focused on the Catholic Church’s understanding of the healing ministry, taking the Instruction on Prayer for Healing by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith as the basis for the discussions and reflections. (See Instruction on StuCom document 0024 and 0025, K.S.)

Insightful and valuable reflections on the various aspects of the healing ministry in the Catholic Church were offered by distinguished theologians from the Vatican, and experienced practitioners in the healing ministry in the CCR: the scriptural and patristic, historical and liturgical, canonical and ecumenical points of view, as well as the experiential and practical testimonies of healing in the context of evangelization in diverse cultures and continents. The overriding concern of the Colloquium was to present in-depth the Church’s teaching on the healing ministry as exercised by Christ and the apostles, and also as experienced by the Church through the centuries down to our present times, particularly in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

This was the first time the PCL officially collaborated with the ICCRS on an issue that is of common concern for both. Although not intended to be a formal dialogue, in effect, it was. For the PCL officials and the ICCRS Council as well as the participants were provided the opportunity to informally exchange views on the healing ministry. Will there be more of these informal and formal dialogues to come? It was a hope ardently expressed by all.

This Colloquium likewise was a momentous venue for the leaders of the CCR to exchange personal experiences in the healing ministry. The personal interaction not only deepened their relationships but also gave them an important boost in their particular ministries. It was noted that the pioneering work by most of them in combining healing and evangelization has already rapidly spread to all parts of the world.

Moreover, the Colloquium highlighted the fact that more still has to be done in order to better understand, to extensively promote and to gradually integrate the healing ministry into the pastoral life of the Catholic Church. Too many among both the clergy and the laity, it was observed, are largely unaware and even ignorant of the immense graces that the healing ministry can provide for the wholeness of the Body of Christ. More studies and dialogues in the near future are therefore in order for this purpose.

Aside from the official Acts of the Colloquium that will be issued jointly by the PCL and ICCRS, ICCRS has decided to use the materials from this Colloquium to draw up some practical guidelines on the healing ministry for the use of CCR prayer groups, communities and ministries. ICCRS fervently hopes that these guidelines will serve as another meaningful and significant contribution to an authentic pastoral action in the Catholic Church.



Before the colloquium started the following press-release came from the Vatican,

7 November 2001:

From November 10 to November 13, 2001 an international colloquium on «Healing Prayer and the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church» will be held at Casa del Pellegrino at Divino Amore Sanctuary (Rome). The colloquium has been organized and promoted by the Pontifical Council for the Laity in collaboration with the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS), the organization that promotes Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church and coordinates the activities of the charismatic communities at a worldwide level.

The initiative was inspired by the «Instruction on prayers to obtain healing from God» published on September 14th, 2000 by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The main guidelines contained in the document will be presented in a lecture by His Excellency Bishop Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The same theme will be examined and developed from different points of view by various lectures.

Fr. Albert Vanoye, SJ, will present the biblical aspect of healing in the life of Jesus and in the early Church; Fr. Fidel Gonzales, MCCI, will give an historical analysis of healing in the Tradition of the Church. His Excellency Msgr. Jacques Perrier, Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes, will speak on the relevance of this topic for Sanctuaries and places of pilgrimages. The link between healing and the Sacraments will be dealt by His Excellency Msgr. Pio Tamburrino, OSB, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; Mr. Charles Whitehead will develop the theme of the ecumenical aspect of healing, and this will be followed by an address by Fr. Libero Gerosa on the canonical aspects of the ministry of healing administered by lay people. Unfortunately, in the praxis of prayer to obtain healing from God there are risks, deviations, and abuses: Fr. Mihaly Szentmartoni, SSJ, will illustrate this part. His Excellency Msgr. Albert De Monléon, OP, will speak about the ministry of healing in Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

A series of testimonies will expand on the experience of Catholic Charismatic communities in the context of evangelization in diverse cultures and geographical areas. A Round Table will reflect on the practice of exorcism and on the spiritual, physical, psychological components linked to healing. During the program time will be dedicated to discussion, work groups and common prayer.

The opening and concluding ceremonies will be led by His Eminence James Francis Card. Stafford, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity and by Mr. Allan Panozza, President of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services.

Various representatives of the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia, Bishops, theologians, lay people priests, religious women, religious men, and leaders of Catholic Charismatic communities have been invited to take part in the colloquium. Several ecumenical observers will also be present.


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Kees Slijkerman,

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